Literary Friday ya’ll….


All I can say is thank goodness that January is over. It’s been a long month- I had a stomach bug/cold last weekend and I’ve been busy getting my mom to a variety of doctor appointments. I’m hoping February will be a healthy month. 

1. What do you think about previously published books being re-published with shiny new covers? This Kristan Higgins book threw itself in my shopping cart the other day and I thought it was a new KH book. But it’s a re-print of a 2011 book.


2. Kristy Woodson Harvey is having a GREAT giveaway over on Instagram! It ends on Sunday, Feb 3 and the winner will be announced at 5:30EST!!!


3. January was rough- health-wise, busy wise…. but book mail wise it was fantastic. I think I’ll be reading The Burning Island by Hester Young next 🙂


4. I received an ARC of Glory Road- is this book on your TBR list?


5. Reviews from around the web:  Orange County Readers talks about her January, ReecasPieces reviews That Churchill Woman (a Jan 2019 Katie at Doing Dewey Futuristic Friday pick!), Always With A Book has a spotlight on Beach Haven, Really Into This reviews The Woman Inside, Jenn Tarheel Reader reviews Two Girls Down ( I reviewed Two Girls Down last year), PhDiva reviews The Line Between, Dressed to Read reviews An Anonymous Girl, Audio Killed The Bookmark reviews The Woman Inside, and Suzy Approved reviews Sugar Run.


*What books will you be reading during the Super Bowl?*


Happy Reading and Bookishly Yours,

T @ Traveling With T

10 thoughts on “Literary Friday ya’ll….

    • I was- for the most part. I was planning on being out of the house for a day to myself and then I started feeling nauseated the night before and well, I became a super-puker (I know, gross) and then I basically slept the entire weekend away. I’m over the stomach bug, but I’m still coughing a lot. 😦 If the weather is pretty this weekend, if i feel better- I’m going out and enjoying a day away. I need it!

  1. Hope your mom is okay. And you too!
    I almost ordered the Kristan Higgins book until I realized it’s on my kindle (haven’t read it yet). Not sure why it’s being re-released. The cover is nice but I think I prefer the original. Can’t wait to read the new KWH book. Love that series. Really want to try a Lauren Denton book one of these days. Hope you love the new one!

    • I think it’s being re-released to capitalize on some of that Good Luck with That buzz she got- the covers are kinda same, etc. Not sure, tho.

      I’m ok-ish, I was sick for so much of December and then I got busy running my mom to PT and Dr appointments in Jan (her back giving her problems) and then I think somewhere in all that I run across someone with a cold and someone else with a stomach bug because I got 2 things going at once. SIGH.

      I met Lauren at a festival a couple years ago- she’s the nicest thing… EVER!

  2. I love that new KH cover! I like the new covers as long as I know it’s a re-release. I’m glad you are feeling better, and hope February is your month! Can’t wait for your thoughts on the new Hester Young! Thanks for sharing my link! Happy week ahead, T! ♥️

    • I love it too- I hadn’t read it, but I DO wise somewhere on it that it would say it was a reprint. Just my 2 cents 🙂 I’m SO hoping that I’m at the end of all these colds and pesky feeling yucks. Ready to get out of the house and have fun!

      I LOVED the new Hester Young. Fantastic!!!!!!

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