Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice- Traveling With T

Really? I really have to write a copyright notice?! Like, seriously, I really thought this was going to be one of those unnecessary steps- because while I think my blog is the cat’s pajamas- I just wasn’t sure if anyone else thought it.

However, the bloggy friends said I had to do it. It needed to be done. Y’know for just future reference- and in part because of a picture of mine being used over the summer on another site.

So this is not official (like I haven’t consulted with a lawyer or anything) just read a bunch of other bloggers copyright notice- and am doing this T-style (T, would be me- just in case you haven’t figured that out!)

As of December 21, 2013- my Copyright Notice states this:

– Please for the love of all bloggy goodness do not take or use anything on my blog without written permission. Like my pictures that I take? I’m so glad. And, in fact, I might would let you use them- if you write  and explain the why and how of why you want to use them (besides them being fab- I already know that).  Just shoot me a quick email (travelingwitht05(@)gmail(.)com) and if I agree- you can use the picture- provided you supply a link back to my blog (and potentially a couple other conditions!) Like my posts? I really like them, too. And I want them to stay here- share them via Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook (and other social media). Did something I write move you and you just NEED a section of my post to reprint? Email me. We’ll talk.

– You may or may not have seen my blog post on reblogging. Bottom line if you are a WordPress User and you reblog my post- I’m not going to go all frowny face and get grey hair worrying over this (life’s too short, folks!) However- before you hit that reblog button- just hold up a sec- I’d prefer for you to give me a linky shout-out.  Here is my thoughts on the reblog!

– What will I do if I see my pictures (pictures that I take with my camera or Instagram account)  or my post being reprinted  (or worse) without permission? Easy. I’ll get all mad and turn into the Incredible Hulk. No, seriously, I’m going to email you. And I’m going to ask you in the most incredibly nice & business like tone “To take my stuff off your website”. It will seriously be in your best interest to agree or to work with me on a suitable solution (example: credit for my picture!) If things cannot be agreed upon- well, I really hope it does not have to go that far- but rest assured, I have no problem going the distance.

-As of today, as of how Traveling With T currently is: I do not make money off this blog. These thoughts, these opinions, everything is me. My hard work.  I don’t make money- and I’ll be all peeved beyond the ends of the Earth if someone else makes money on my hard work. Just saying.

– My blog buttons? Made them myself (minus a couple I paid someone else to make!) . Learned how to use PicMonkey- myself. Go and learn- or maybe one day I’ll do a tutorial on how (it’s really not that hard, though).

I think this covers it all. Just remember- email a girl before you take anything from the blog!

With Best Bloggy Regards,

T @ Traveling With T

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