Devil in the Deadline by LynDee Walker

devil in the deadline

Photo Credit: Goodreads


This book was sent to Traveling With T for review consideration.


Devil In The Deadline

Nichelle is enjoying a night out with friends (and dressing up for a fun costume party!) When she gets a tip about coming to a crime scene- she quickly leaves the party to find out the details.

At the crime scene, she crosses paths with her police connection, Aaron, and he warns her about the scene- talks of how he’s never seen a scene like this. Nichelle readies herself- and yet, she’s not quite prepared for how graphic the scene is. Having a pretty good relationship with Aaron and always eager to scoop Charlie- Nichelle is sure she knows why she was given a tip-off about the crime scene. But, Aaron confides there is more- the police need her touch, her sleuthing skills. She’s cracked a few cases- and her Nancy Drew ways have earned her respect. 

Vowing to help find  out who mutilated this young woman’s body- Nichelle begins to talk to the 2 people that found her. One is a young man who has exceptional drawing skills- and is also experiencing some mental health issues. As Nichelle talks to people, she finds out that the dead girl has a fear of a church- and that raises multiple questions for Nichelle.

In the mix is Nichelle worrying about the two men that she can’t choose between. One, Kyle, is the ATF agent and is helping Nichelle get to the bottom of her case. The other, Joey, is a man who has his finger on the pulse of crime in Richmond (the ties to the Mafia and all!) Joey is worried about Nichelle- worried that she and her Manolo’s have found a story that she may not live to write.

When the attacks get personal, Nichelle is even more convinced that something is happening at the church- and she vows to find out all the secrets. Turns out Nichelle may find more than what she bargained for.


Traveling With T’s Thoughts:

This is the fourth book in the Headline in Heels series and Nichelle gets better with each book. Fun and lovable- Nichelle lets nothing stand in her way of finding out the truth behind a story. Wearing Manolo’s and drinking Moscato- Nichelle is a memorable character!

Devil In The Deadline is a bit grittier than the other 3- the crime scene is a bit more descriptive. Also,we, the readers, begin to find out a bit more about Nichelle’s life before she became a reporter- and this book sets up some more answers for the future.

Overall, this book is the cute, the mystery is top-notch and you won’t be sorry spending time in Nichelle’s world.


*This book was sent to Traveling With T from Henery Press via Netgalley. All above thoughts and opinions are mine alone.


Happy Reading and Bookishly Yours,

T @ Traveling With T

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